4.8.2 - Minor Fixes & Changes
Date: 04/26/24
Not been in the mood to code for a while...
Changes Made:
- Blog update
- Small fixes to home page
4.8.1 - Adding a Start Page
Date: 04/01/24
Not an april fools prank, sorry
Wanted to have a custom startpage with all my favorite sites on it, in any event that I couldn't access my bookmarks and just to show some fun places on the .net
Changes Made:
/personal/startpage has been added!
- Added to Homepage
- Added page to Site Overview
4.8 - Temporary Update
Date: 01/01/24 - 03/27/24
Tired of the current layout and want to move to the new one, but this version still has
some bugs I want to work out before July 20th, the planned release date. So here is a preview!
Still no hopein.moe domain yet though, sigh.
4.6.2 -
Date: 12/11/23 - 12/00/23
It needs to put this website on the back burner for a bit to settle what it needs to do in real life. Here are some small detail changes before it leaves for a bit.
Changes Made:
- Added link to my Danbooru
- Minor changes to formatting details
- New page: Wishlist
Anime Zone
- Changed font
- Added 2023 Overview
Seasonals Corner
- Added Winter seasonals
4.6.1 - A Quick Fix & An Addition
Date: 12/09/23 - 12/09/23
Just some new music and fixing the website counter. The album is gonna premere in another 6 or so hours
but it would rather get small updates out quicker instead of waiting until it is halfway through another page
to publish.
Changes Made:
Media Aquarium
- New entry added to music.
- Changed featured music.
- (hopefully) fixed site counter issue
4.6 - Yet Another Re-Vamp
Date: 11/21/23 - 12/07/24
It started getting bored of the current state of the home page... not nearly enough going on! It is
pretty proud of this design, and added in quite a few new pages & content to make one big batch
update. Until the next big change, it will release smaller updates more frequently.
Changes Made:
Site Layout
- Grouped & re-ordered pages
Revamped Page: Homepage
- Made site music playlist (needs updating)
New page: To-Do (very basic)
New Page: About
New Page: Custom 404 / Page Not Found
New Page: Anime GIF Collection
- Uploaded all current created GIFs
New Page: Seasonals
- Created "Fall" page
New Room In Home: Living Room
- Created div IDs for each post
- Each post can be found individually in the Sitemap or from the last 7 days on the Bookmark.
- Old diary entries will no longer be updated with changing layouts. Last stable version was 4.5.7
- December post created
Site Overview
- Changed Site Map to more accurately reflect the site changes.
- More room added to Site Map.
- Notice & Guetsbook position ajusted.
- Notice padding added.
4.5.7 - 2 New Pages!
Date: 11/17/23 - 11/20/23
I'm starting to run out of steam~
The two new pages are fairly small & easy, the Media Aquarium will be added to often like
the diary page. I also began work on another half-finished shrine... I always loose motovation
before completing them ;-;
Changes Made:
All Pages
- No outbound images anymore! Everything is saved on the site!
New Page: Media Aquarium
- Created Media Aquarium & put first entry in
- Yet another entry added!
New Page: Anime Favorites
- Page added
- Changed font
- Favorites for anime, manga, and characters created.
- Added Autists Online webring
- (Temporarally) fixed a bug that made webrings collide with webgardens
- Added new social (Soulseek)
- Added 2 more kins (Konoha & Shizuka)
- Created & began working on Denpa shrine.
4.5.7 - New Site Overview Page
Date: 11/16/23 - 11/17/23
Another easy update; just combined the sitemap and changelog pages into one.
Changes Made:
New Page: Site Overview
- Updated & more accurate Sitemap
- Updated & moved changelog
- Re-linked guestbook
- Added music (Disconnecting by zzkillme)
Digital Home
- Added a few extra touches to the Forest page
- Finished the Garden page, ready to work on the living room :3
4.5.6 - Diary Restoration
Date: 11/15/23 - 11/16/23
This was a super easy change, and innitially I wanted to wait for another update to publish it...
But then I realized that I can just make lots of 'mini updates' and only have to back up the small ones
proceeding it. I keep backups of every 4.X change, but for these small ones I can just upload and call
it a day. So expect more updates!!!
Changes Made:
Diary Restoration
- Added a "notepad" in the bottom right corner, including a To-Do, Goals, and Resolutions.
- Changed formatting of updates
- Started November entries
- Updated sitemap with a new design
- Added music (pajamasdepapapa by mosaic.wav)
- Changed favicon
Quality Of Life
- All pages now have a back arrow in the top left corner for easier navigation
4.5.5 - Little Updates & Fixes + Beginnings of Digital Home
Date: 11/08/23 - 11/14/23
There were a lots of little things that I wanted to fix and update before adding more content, so most
of this update is just small changes of things that I eventually wanted to do. I also added the beginings of
my Digital Home! I want to make a whole point-and-click world out of this; create a house and rooms, new
locations, ect. So far only 2 1/2 of the places are complete, and I will get more work on it done this next
update so consider it a preview!
Changes made:
- Main about music changed (from GO MY ウェイウェイ feat. 山本椛 to SHICHAIMASHOW sensuous)
- New site button; static version is at the same address as before & a GIF version exists!
- Added webrings to home page.
- Changed location of social links, added email, and added favicons for social links to Homepage.
- FINALLY fixed the marquee to go through all icons!!
- Main page border error fixed & a better lace border added.
- Quizzes section of About is now categorized and includes Picrews
- Added new identity buttons on a marquee to About page.
- Hovering over an image of my kins on the About page now brings up a title with their name.
- Each main page (about, fanlisting, intrests, site changes, sitemap) now only links to one another instead of to
other areas of the site.
- Created a Webgarden Pot and started a Webgarden of my own on my fanlistings page.
- Fixed a bug on the Fanlistings page where the webrings were funky and all over the place.
- Updated Youtube shrine with more videos
- Digital Home created!
- Welcome page created (Digital Home)
- Forest page created (Digital Home)
- Front Yard page created (Digital Home)
- Garden page halfway done (Digital Home)
4.5 - Fanlistings & Shrines!
Date: 10/31/23 - 11/05/23
I joined a couple fanlistings and needed a new place to put them, so fanlistings page

I also made a page to house my shrines, and finished my Youtube one. I'm about halfway done with my Sanae one but lost motivation
and have to make some big changes, so that should be ready next update.
Changes made:
- Added Fanlistings Page
- Added Shrines Page
- Added Youtube shrine
- New graphics added
- Changes to About page
- Some small pixels for navigation changed
- New sites to check out added
- Fixed a bug on the game in Devin's Cave
4.4 - More Home Updates + Anime Page
Date: 10/27/23 - 10/28/23
I was very inspired by
Hellstar Aries
(https://hellstarares.neocities.org/) Neocities and decided to once again change up
the look of my main site! I was having trouble with making things look good and still be
legible with the 400px I was alloted in that design, so more space was neccisarry. So much,
in fact, that it made 2 of my pages defunct because I could fit them in elsewhere :P
Changes made:
- Changed homepage (once again lol)
- Deleted & intergrated contents from kins & off-site into existing pages
- Added Anime Reviews page
- Added reviews for Winter - Summer 2023 anime
4.3 - Dragon's Lair
Date: 8/12/23 - 10/25/23
In the first version of my site, I had a page where you needed to pass a riddle to
be granted acsess to my collection of images. It was one of the parts I was most proud
of, and that I wanted to come back soonest. Now I have many more images to sort and use,
so it took awhile, but it should be up and running. I plan to add more graphics each update and
create more route options.
Changes made:
- Updated all media locations & names
- Page Added
- Added more intrests and break up the old ones into seperate categories. New entries include: CGDCT, 4ch, FKMT, Visual Novels, Virtual Pets, Overwatch, Touhou.
- Minor updates to about & kins pages.
- Changed all image paths to be seprate from media.
- Made graphics true-to-size to help loading speeds.
- Changed all image paths to be seprate from media.
- Made graphics true-to-size to help loading speeds.
- Update after the long burnout
4.2 - The Diary
Date: 7/31/23 - 8/01/23
Since I have been using the blog for a week now & it's the start of a new month,
it's blog upgrade time! I tried to future-proof it as much as possble as well, so
I can start working on other areas on the site.
Changes made:
- Added Blog page.
- Added Blog subpages, such as a sitemap & graphics credits
- Moved all previous blogs to their new home.
- Edited all former blog posts to fit better in the new frame.
- Changed link on main page to redict to the new blog & deleted old blog. (lol) - Beautifying & Random Accsesibility Shenanigans
Date: 7/26/23 - 7/31/23
This is an 'invisible' update where I make the site more accsesability friendly
& pretty up the code a bit. I was reading
Solarpunk.cool's Web Zine
and really liked the way it described coding in HTML. It made me want to make some
ajustments to the angle I look at web design and how I should really prioritize
some things. That's the inspo for this update!
Changes Made:
- Beautified HTML on all pages
- Beautified CSS on all pages
- Added alt descriptions of important images
- Added a default HTML read language
- Added ideal resolution to the header
4.1.5 - Re-ordering For The Storm
Date: 7/25/23 - 7/26/23
So for this next update I am hoping to begin creating new areas of the site to
explore; so I wanted to finish up things on what is currently the "whole site"
and will soon become the "homepage"
Changes Made:
- Put all of my home page into 1 folder & updated all links so they work again. I
want to make multiple "areas" later on, and this was the first step.
- Laregly updated sitemap with more site plans

- Added new images to media folder from previous versions
- Renamed emojis to group better
- Updated blog entry name-img scheme
- Made an "Emoji List" to the Blog Archive
- Added "Today's Blog" button, and changed previous blog button to "Blog Archive"
- Added a clock on the left sidebar
- Added "Graphics Credits" page, linked on the footer.
- Created "Birthday" theme for home page
- Created "Camping" theme for home page
4.1 - Some Tweaks After Arrival
Date: 7/24/23 5pm
Going in to make some corrections & adding in a couple features now that the base is live~
Thank you so much
for helping with getting the border collage to not move all weird like at launch!
Changes Made:
- Made the collage "stick" to the main content of the site.
- So
This Guide
helped me a whole bunch! Do this to your site! I made it so my site is
1200px wide, and no matter what resolution you use the site wont break!
- Added site changes section
- Filled in site changes as far as I could find
- Added some new characters on the border :3
- Moved "Sitemap" to the sidebar, as it would be best positioned there
- Made each iframes page native 400px, this means I can start positioning elements :3
- Addition of blog!
4.0 - Jane's Web ver is live!
Date: 7/24/23 12pm
I get so tired of my layouts so fast lmao
I got really depressed after my last layout update and felt ashamed
of what I just made. The vision in my head didn't match up y'know?
But I've been working on and off on this one after a bit. So thats
why I disappered for a month lol. I also took my site out of my discord bio I was so ashamed.
I feel like every edit gets closer and closer to what I want it to be!
Changes Made:
- Learned iframes & based the design off of that. There is 1 in the center and the rest of the site acts as a "frame" to the main window.
- Frame includes basic links up top and category links on the sidebar.
- Includes 5 pages
- Home: Basic introduction to the site, webmaster, and topics
- About: Introduction of webmaster, facts, likes & trivia
- Intrests: An overview of each of my intrests, places to go related to them, and any details that other fans may want to learn.
- Off-Site: Other sites on the world wide web that I can be found at; or that you can find more cool stuff!
- Sitemap: Basic sitemap with layers & ideas of everything there is to see here!