You can call me: Kyata (it/its)
20 years old / Non-binary
Lives in the US
Hair Brown Hime_Bangs French_Bob
Eyes Brown Blank_Eyes Glasses
Body Androgynous Pale Younger_Appearance
Clothes Apron Maid_Dress Maid_Headdress Unusual_Hair_Ornaments
Items Stuffed_Toy IPod
Personality 2D_Character_Lover Altruistic Daydreamer Deredere Eccentric Girls_Love_Fan Idealist Puns Quiet Shy Unlucky
Role Archivist Gamer Maid NEET Revolutionary
Engages in Computering Cooking Gardening Letter_Writing Recreational_Drug_Use Symbolic_Hair_Cutting
Subject of Autism Anemia Agrophobia Delusion Disappointment Stage_Fright Weak_Memory
Kyatapira is a loan word / gairaigo from japanese meaning caterpillar
I'd like to stay as anonymous as possible online
But also prove i'm a real person somehow
so here is information useless to the algorythum