Oh, where are my manners?
My apologies, please take a seat. Oh and you must be cold from your travels; please accsept this beverage.

My name is Odarin the Cartographer. My purpose is to guide visitors along their journeys and offer advice. I see from the teleportation records that you are looking to find the graphics directory.
Unfortunately since the last rewrite of this world, a fearsome dragon has taken over that cave. He seeks to only to sit on his hoarde; and will only let the most cunning of adventurers in to peek at his goods.
He has over 931 images, ranging from backgrounds, 88x31s, blinkies, stamps, icons, pngs, and more. They were the pride of our land. I re-created a few with my magical abilities to make the site function as needed after the incident. But the power needed to remake that many files I do not yet posess.
I will show you the way, if you wish to partake in this journey. If you were looking for an easy way to aquire some knick knacks for your own page, this will not be it. I will not be able to go into the cave alongside you. The dragon... urks me. But if you wear the heart of an adventurer with pride, please click enter.

Or you may return. I will not judge harshly.