Touhou 10: Mountain Of Faith

This game takes place right after the Moiyra Shrine was moved into Gensokyo, and we see that
Sanae is rather tense and honestly a bit arrogant talking to the humans. A bit funny since she
just recently found out about her god herritige; already acting hollier-than-thou. She even threatens
to take over Reimu's shrine and claims that their inclusion to Gensokyo will gring the whole place
closer to godliness (though invites Reimu to join her faith after being defeated). Though in Marisa's
scenario, she claims that she thought that the new shrine would be welcomed
by the residents of the Youkai Mountain, since Kanako is a mountain goddess who could protect them.
Marisa's Scenrario
Reimu's Scenario
Touhou 11: Subteranian Animism
Sanae is only found in the Extra Story of this game, and her sprites remain unchanged. The only reason she exists is
because the heroines visiting the Moiyra Shrine. She's happy that you visited the shrine in the
cold weather, says that she has learned the greetings, and that she's ajusting to the absurdities of
All Extra Stories
Touhou 12: Undefined Fantastic Object

This is Sanae's first game as an incident resolver! And she Really enjoys beating up Youkai!
Stage 1: Sanae meets Nazrin, inquiring about her mouse-ness. She's a bit shocked that they eat people, but
respects mice as they are often used for scientific experements.
Stage 2: Meeting Kosaga, she is not scared at all. In Scenario A, Sanae sympathizes with her and feels bad
for not being scared and tries to make her feel better to no avail. But in Scenario B she makes fun of Kosaga in all of
her most sensitive areas, causing Kosaga to threaten Moiyra Shrine.
Stage 3: Now that she has gotten used to youkai hunting, Sanae is more than ready to throw down with Ichirin, even
if she dosen't know anything about her. And like that, Ichirin ends up telling Sanae everything about the treasury and reviving
her sister thinking that Sanae already knew what was happening. After defeating her, she opens the way to the Palanquin Ship
and, hungry for more Youkai to hunt, goes in.
Stage 4: Going into the ship, she talks with Murasa a bit about Byakuten and how she wants a world where youkai and
humans get along. Though Sanae now on a killing spree has a big problem with this idea. The ship goes to Makai while fighting,
and Sanae gets off. In Scenario B, Murasa is not happy about a human boarding, so Sanae fights her to regain her human
Some of my favorite quotes from her:
Scenario A -
Scenario B