First day of September
Date: 9/01/23
Listening To:
Nichijou, episode 9
One Piece live action, episode 2-3
Fried Rice Friday
Practice with the sewing machine

[ 12:37pm ]

I've been taking it easy today. Running some laundry and watching youtube mostly. I'm slightly tired, but more numb than sad.
We watched One Piece live action first episode last night, it was pretty darn good! The diologe and general vibe of each scene is carried over well from what I can remember, pacing allows for breaks of foreshadowing even during big moments, and though the CG of Luffy's powers are a bit wacky the shots are framed so you barely see it but feel the effects of it. The casting and acting are pretty on point, and I was suprised with how well the designs were altered for live action while keeping the most distinguishing parts. Also the original scenes played off of things we would learn later (such as the 'important faces' in the crowd watching Gold Roger's execution) as more of a nod to fans and some foreshadowing for later.
We haven't finished it yet (and I am avoiding /a/ until we do); but I'm exited to keep watching and feel like we might be able to get our hopes up about one of the best anime to live actions. I liked the Yuru Camp live action, but to be fair there isn't much that you can do wrong with camping club does camping stuff. When I first heard the announcement, I didn't have much faith in it because of how wacky of a world One Piece is set in and how it is one of the series that I felt is enhanced by animation. Also knowing that the 10 episodes of live action are gonna go right up to Chopper's arc was a good stopping point. I could be plesantly suprised if they do decide to make a continuation, but it would certantly be a task to make Chopper not look horific. Or how later on character designs get more weird, like how would a live action Moiyra look? Either they would go all in cgi nightmare or make him normal and idk what would be worse.
Okay enough One Piece talk.
I only watched 25 episodes originally before dropping it. My bf said something once when we started dating that I thought would make him like Luffy, and so we watched some and got him hooked. I'm grateful for him getting me into it for sure. Now 495 episodes in and our year anevercery comming up soon.
I didn't really feel like updating so I just didnt lol.
I spent most of the day watching youtube and feeling down.
Not the best start to the month.
I spent most of the day watching youtube and feeling down.
Not the best start to the month.