1 Week Blog Aniversery!
Date: 7/31/23
Mood: Groggy
Listening To:
Kohmi Hirose - promise
ACCORD ON CODES - Where I Fall In Love
Store Run
Wash Hair
✔️ Sweep
[ 9:31am ]


✔️ Sweep
stayed up too late last night... tired
At least I washed my hair. Bf is staying home today and I have work at 12. Thankfully not much to do but blegh i feel like garbo.
Might smoke soon; maybe after sweeping up & doing another load of dishes (rocking out to Kohmi Hirose - promise, of course)
TikTok addictive as fuck. I only use it when I need a distraction to calm me down from panic attacks, but every time I use it I get the urge to doomscroll more. But I won't give in!
Like it comes built-in with a numbing effect. But websites and personal sites are more fun in terms of "social media". And I'm pretty sure it rots a bit of your brain every time you use it lol.
[ 10:11am ]
So I did smoke like a quarter bowl bc I finished up sweeping and everything that had to be done this morning. Even put on makeup and the things I usually don't do. It's weird to have this much time left over.
And bc of that, I don't really feel like goofing arround either. hm.
Don't really wanna work on the site while not sober either.
Oh right, it's the last day of July. I wanted to make each month's blog post paper background diffrent. And maybe spruce up the boxes that the month archives live in.
I'm debating how to do this; because at some point I want to make the blog it's own seperate site. And I will have to edit/style each page drastically for it to work.
On one hand, I can seperate and work on little details now to prolong the task so it won't have to be done for longer; or I could skip little tasks like that until I do an overhaul of the blog.
But the update I am working on right now is just for little changes in formatting, so it would have to wait an update.
Or I could work on that formatting update now and then update the site, and then begin working on the blog overhaul! Maybe think up & sketch out ideas for the layout and design!
Or I just got exited and drew a design anyways lol

I think this is fairly do-able. I have some more specific ideas about textures and designs and such, but for now this is my base.
[ 12:29pm ]
Published the small update, and began the new blog. I love love making the new setup its very cute so far and pretty stress-free. Still got a bit left before it's ready to start moving content over; but pretty okay for the most part!
And in other news; my boss got the date wrong AGAIN and now I dont work for another week. Sighs.
Well, at least that means I have more time on my site...
[ 2:05pm ]
Blog is mostly finished now, yay!
It took barely any time at all too. Just have to add in some graphics credits, my status.cafe, and an anime girl (anime girl is always required).
August is gonna have snoopy-themed paper too! and it turned out so much cuter than imagined! I'll make the update tomorrow!
[ 2:54pm ]
Now all the widgets and cute lil things are in place!

A lil sneek peak / screenshot for archival reasons~
Probably gonna do some dishes and then smoke again. Maybe watch some animu.
[ 4:51pm ]
Smoked, websurfed, & watched some anime. I wish I could get back into the shows I'm currently watching. But like none of the seasonals have the itch I need scratched and I dont want to start another anime.
Next day me here~
Played some overwatch with an old roomate and had a lot of fun. Ended up staying up pretty late & my boss called me AGAIN to say that actually the place needs cleaning today (this is the 4th day of thinking i had work and then being told at the last minute i dont and that its the next dau)
Thats about it!
Played some overwatch with an old roomate and had a lot of fun. Ended up staying up pretty late & my boss called me AGAIN to say that actually the place needs cleaning today (this is the 4th day of thinking i had work and then being told at the last minute i dont and that its the next dau)
Thats about it!