Yay first blog post!

But now I have a native and easily customizable blog area!! It's so comfy here~
So anyways I want to use this like a space to talk about the day / week and whatever cool things I find!
Since today is Monday, bf is at work so its mostly just me doing chores and such :3. Today I did our laundry, cleaned our pieces, sorted paperwork, figured out food for the next week, did dishes, but mostly coded >:3
Today's dinner is gonna be maki sushi, so no prep work for me! Hes gonna be home late so I have a lot of time to prep.
Smoked at about 11:30 to clear my piece to get cleaned, still a bit relaxed from that. I still need to clean the bathroom, vaccum, and do another load of dishes. After this blog post. I'm thinking of posting this update tomorrow so I can tweak and add more stuff for the rest of today.
I still have to at least make a sorted by date blog page still. And at most, I have to re-add all my old blog posts, add all my old changelogs, create a sort by topics system/page for blog posts, and figure out how tf to have this diary paper background stay in the same position???
sighs... well ill be back.
Edit: I tweaked it for like 2 minutes and now it fits perfectly lol
[ signing off 2:54pm ]
Aaand I'm back!!
I'ts been about an hour; havent vaccumed yet but have started the sushi rice. I can never figure out how to do the sushi vinegar + sugar + salt thing it never mixes together ;-;
I like being stay at home gf even if its because of dissability, I do wish he would propose tho because the idea of being completly Fucked if he breaks up with me is not fun. I dont care about marrage I just need some kind of protection against that. But household chores are relaxing and I really enjoy it.
Time to make some more site ajustments while waiting for rice~!
[ 5:12pm ]
Bf is back~
But I broke his downstem when cleaning and didnt notice. and I keep breaking his things and making life harder for him.
He's like a savior to me; I do everything I can for him and I cant afford to fuck things up. He shouldn't have to deal with me. But now he's home and I'm working on site more.
[ 5:38pm ] Okay I'm just gonna update the site now; I can always work on it more and I want to prioritize it working than getting as much done in an update as possible lmao.
See you later ~