Date: 8/31/23
Tarot Card OTD:
Listening To:
SAO Abridged, ep 1-13
Do some test sewing
Finish cleaning bongs
❌ Send note to doctor
❌ Clean air fryer
✔️ Clean Keureg
✔️ Download One Piece Live Action ✔️ Get beer for fish tacos tonight
✔️ Make September diary template
[ 10:18am ]


❌ Send note to doctor
❌ Clean air fryer
✔️ Clean Keureg
✔️ Download One Piece Live Action ✔️ Get beer for fish tacos tonight
✔️ Make September diary template
Happy sweet 16 Hatsune Miku!!

Anyways its crazy to think 2007 was 16 years ago now. I got into vocaloid arround 2014 in 4th-5th grade through youtube reccomandations, and though I don't search for new vocaloid songs the classics hold a place in my heart.
Today I'm hoping to start doing some stitching practice and get used to working the sewing machine, as well as finish up work finally.
I'm also vaugely thinking about trying to learn hiragana and katakana for the 3000th time again. I known that I just have to choose a chunk of time to do flash cards for 15 minutes daily. But every time I never follow through. If I decide to propperly learn this time, I think I'll make it so i have to do it before engaging in any otaku media so I can start reading and practicing after flashcards.
I know that if I try and commit myself to fully learning japanese I will give up because I am deathly scared of kanji. But if I just learn hira and kana I will be able to have some reading comprehention, and after a few months of not even having to think about it I could start to introduce kanji slowly. Maybe use Animelon to watch kids anime and look up kanji meanings and put them in Anki so I can have a roadmap of basic kanji and where they would be used.
Wait I just remembered its One Piece live action day too! woohoo!
[ 11:43am ]
Just got finished cleaning the bongs, i got so much resin everywhere ugh.
Gonna download the one piece live action now so it will be ready for tonight to watch with bf! I do need to up my vpn though so sad. I still don't have high enough speeds that I get blocked from most trackers, but considering the one I chose has 800 peers its going pretty smoothly.
Aand just finished the template for next month's blog entries! Honestly I'm just trying to do everything I can that isnt work so I can continue to watch the Magical Mirai 2023 concert. I went to Miku Expo 2016 once, it would be super cool to get to go to a vocaloid perfocmance again. I want to start watching the Magical Mirai's every year at the least though, I tend to forget or skip it every year rip.
But I do actually have to go to work.. the thing stopping me most is that I dont want to go in my current clothes bc they stand out but I dont have any better options. I've also been having a texture ick with most fabrics lately wich makes it hard to wear anything but oversized sweater and underpants. I have literally 0 pants that are comfortable to me currently. But I still have to do it.
[ 10:13pm ]
I ended up just stiiting next to the door scared shitless of going outside but not letting myself give up for 3 hours until bf came home :(
At least the fish tacos were good
Rewatched SAO Abridged with bf for the first time since middle school, man its great. Glad that he gets such a fantastic Sword Art Online first viewing experience.