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Date: 8/25/23
Tarot Card OTD:
Listening To:
PanPoni Dash! ep 21
Overwatch 2 - Blizzard
Tempt & Throb by Musihara
Suwakoto! by Ryusuitei, chapters 1-6
Bocchi The Rock by Aki Hamaji, chapters 25-31


- Thrift store
Overwatch is bad today as usual; every game is either get shit kicked or kick shit in, and the last couple games have been exclusivley getting it. Im also super tired today -w-
I still have laundry to do for work but we went there and picked it up so i can work from home. Also I let our laundry pile get out of control so i gotta do that today too
Oh and I almost forgot there is cheese sticks and appysauce that the last people left at work that i need to pick up :3. Despite my username, I almost never get to eat applesauce (or many fruits/veg at all for that matter). BUT I LOVE APPLESAUCE SO YAY YAY. I have the taste prefrances of a toddler honestly.
[ 11:16am ]
I'm reading Suwako! right now, it's a parody of Yotsuba in Gensokyo with Suwako as Yotsuba. Its super cute, would absolutely reccomend. The characterizations are really funny too, even if they arent super accurate. I just finished up the Marisa and Alice chapter, the alice bullying is out of control lol. Even though she is one of my favorites, I can't help but laugh at the long standing tradition of making Alice miserable. This chapter though was the fun kind of teasing her about Marisa instead of bedwetting stuff!
[ 5:59pm ]
I found a sewing mashine on Facebook Marketplace today, and after some deliberation after being on the lookout for one for the last 2 months I contacted the seller to get it.
She was my bf's family (thank god) and she offered to drop it off so that part went smoothly. Only problem is my fear of people. I was terrified throughout the interaction and could barely think other than agreeing and pretending eye contact. Once we got inside it took a good hour or two for me to calm back down.
Been cleaning her up sinced then. She's pretty dirty but should still work. I maybe should have tried it first, but we dont have a table so I cant use it yet. We do have a fold out table but it isn't study enough to act as a sewing table.
Once I get done with the cleaning, I want to send a picture of it to the person who sold her to me and ask what her name was. I've only ever used my mom's sewing mashine a few times before and im still not too confident in my abilities, but I'm hopeful. One of the things on my bucket list is to have a closet full of clothes I altered or made myself. My first project will be the bike saddlebags; and then after that I want to learn how to tailor a bit and then learn ways to alter what I already have.
One day, I'd love to use old clothing & fabric to make cosplays and plushies. And also lots of weird little trinkets and dodads. I've also been liking some variations of lolita a lot lately; I would love to one day make my own peticoat and maid dress. There are a lot of tutorials for that too thankfully!