Making Graphics~
Date: 8/23/23
Tarot Card OTD:
Listening To:
Astrophysics - Selected and Apathetic
Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu, ep 7
Odekake Kozame, ep 4
Temple, ep 7
Reborn as a Vending Machine, ep 8
Rent A Girlfriend s3, ep 6-7
Genjitsu no Yohane, ep 9
Overwatch 2 - Blizzard



I'm not feeling as horrible today at least!
I'm still really tired but not in pain so its a win! Did my dalies and i rlly just wanna smoke and play overwatch so i might do that. but i do have to work today! basically for my cleaning job i just have to clean airb&bs between guests, wich is great because if i get injured or overwhelmed i can do it on a diffrent day. only problem is it pays like $25 an hour wich is great dont get me wrong but with maybe 2-3 changes per month and 1-3 hours per i cant make rent with it. i want to get disability but that is a process and a half. the job is still good for pocket money and making it so i run out a little less fast but its hard to justify doing at the same time.
okie im gonna have cereal for breakfast and play a couple rounds of overwatch!
[ 11:51am ]
wewie those were a couple rounds for sure.
I'm considerably worse than I used to be, having trouble even with things that should not be a problem for mercy like bombs and such. But hey when you're bad thats what quick play is for. Still getting pretty good heals, dmg boost, and not very many deaths. I normally play partied so now that im within my skill ranking or whatever its harder. Had fun interactions as always; also pretty happy that I got a lot of endoursments.
I should probably go to work now :(
I'll put on my big boy clothes and go to my big boy job now :(
Also I need to remember when I get back to update my anilist profile graphics and change my age on all my socials lol.
[ 12:13pm ]
I'm an anxious mess trying to get myself through the door. I need to do it. But I feel like I will crumple into a crying ball as soon as I am outside.
Just smoked trying to make myself less anxious but i didnt grind the weed up enough and smoked too much, now I really can't go to work fuck.
Since I can't work now, might as well make that anilist profile graphic. I'll do a step by step uploaded here too just for fun.
[ 12:30pm ]
Step 0: Uploaad / archive current version somewhere:

I took the brown from my website, a grey, and 3 slight grey color tones.

Step 2: Layout content
Creating the boxes and such. I keep forgetting to turn off anti alasting till the end lol. Also getting more specific about the detail of it.

Step 3: Extra graphics placements
I decided to use idol Haruhi as my main graphic, her colors go very well and she just looks ethereal.
I really wanted to have lace borders a few places on the ver 4 of the homepage while i was designing it but never figfured it out, so lace borders here to make up for it.
The manga pannels on the sides are random but give a bit more of fun & eclectic clutter. Also gave me more leeway for the 88x31s.

I also wanted to make sure that everything would still look good on the site's dark mode, so here is with that as the background color

... and also just because i am mental like that here is a preview on the actual site:

Step 3: Content!
Next is just filling up the design with words!

And that also marks the end! I also added on the comfy camp banner and my discord. Only thing now is to make a banner image and icon for the site itself.

And like that...
[ 2:54pm ]

[ 4:24pm ]
Been watching anime since then.

I hate how they keep playing up the needy gf thing for Ruka and how her whole character lately has been mad at bf. Kazuya decided to date her! And dude is still simping over a rental gf! If he dosen't like her he very well could and should break up! She has very good reason to be upset with him in 90% of the situations she does, and Kzauya pays 0 attention or intrest in her! imo she is too good for him i will take good care of her instead.
Now im onto episode 7
I mean im glad she gets an episode!
why does the only time that he feels glad to have her when she is half naked and hes checking her out? does he only keep her arround to be a piece of furnature or something?
AND he forgot a gift on her birthday? brah.

[ 7:01pm ]
Played some comp overwatch with one of my friends and we got 3 straight wins! lots of toxic teamates but 3 wins!! Also in one of the games there was a dva that was so mad at me and i killed/assisted 4x and she didnt kill me once mwahaha. id just fly away whenever she got up close and shoot her with blaster, and by that point team would be on her ass too. always funny to make grudges with a random person for 10 minutes.
[ 7:29pm ]
I'm feeling extra; so I'm gonna make matching layouts for MAL and for MFC (tho maybe not all tonight)
[ 8:19pm ]

MAL update done!
[ 8:44pm ]

And MFC! Its cool to have all of your places on the internet have the same theme!
But I also just now realized I hadn't done any of my chores... another useless but fun day.