The Eepy After The Storm
Date: 8/19/23
Tarot Card OTD: reversed Queen of Swords + The Hermit
Listening To:
Paul SG - Pepper Bae / Cafe International
Paul SG - The Last Ceremony - Big Bud Remix / The Chance
Update journal entry 4 yesterday
Clean Bathroom
Wash hair
❌ Clean Keureg
❌ Clean windows
[ 10:04am ]


❌ Clean Keureg
❌ Clean windows
The day after -w-
Did my reset & started on the red light therapy on my face. First time I did 8 minutes a foot from my face. I heard to slowly introduce it for best results, so i'm gonna do 8 minutes every other day for a week, then increase in 2 minute intervals. I'm really hoping it will help with my acne.
I'm also taking pictures of before every time I do it so I will have some data to see if its working. My acne has been behaving lately tho since I've been able to wash my face and use medicine every day for the last 5 days, so as long as I can keep that up in tandem with this i could have clear and scar-free skin one day soon

[ 10:30am ]
Heres a good pic of bf and I from yesterday

[ 12:54pm ]
Very tired. wish i could take a nap. i dont want to do anythinggggg
So I ended up taking a fat 4 hour nap after that, and then just being a tired blob after i woke up still.
Didnt feel like doing anything, including updating blog :/
I wanted to go to sleep at 9 again but bf kept me up till 1am
Nothing else of note happened.
Didnt feel like doing anything, including updating blog :/
I wanted to go to sleep at 9 again but bf kept me up till 1am
Nothing else of note happened.