20 yo
Date: 8/18/23
Tarot Card OTD: Ten of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Ten of Swords
Listening To:
Autonon - Song From Room 1
Nichijou, ep 4
Elementals (pixar movie)
Don't feel any older lol.
Day has been great so far. This morning my bf took me out on a hike and got us coffees. We are gonna go on a picnic soon too ^^
He got me a clam shell 1 seater couch, it's very comfy and looks cute. It's also just big enough that I can move arround a lot and do all kinds of tism siting positions lol. He also got me a few different things throughout the week, like grapes, cherries, scrunchies, and Flonase. Hes been going along with my plans and being super nice. I'm really grateful to have him.
The phone calls and messages from family are a bit overwhelming tho. My bf is the only person I feel comfortable arround and even though I want to have more friends, I never will due to fear. I'm getting to feel more okay about it though.
Had a pretty busy day so I didn't write much or want to spend it all on my computer.
After that we went on the picnic. Berry season is over most everywhere, so the berry buckets became obselete. I used them as on the go picnic baskets though, and we walked to a point and talked while eating.
And after that we got high and just chilled out cause I was tired and didnt know what else to do. We were both super hungry early because the picnic was not very substantial. I checked my bank account because my parents said that they gave us some money to go out to eat and get something nice but they gave me a whole ass $500??
So we were both super happy and were gonna wait to go to one of the places with nice food in town. But they didnt open till 6 and it was 4 and we wanted to eat. So we were planning on going to a worse restraunt bc the food isnt that diffrent. But they might not have the one kind of pie i like there. Anyways my bf's mom saved us and we went over there for dinner.
It was pretty fun, just hanging out and watching the new pixar movie. I always like seeing his little sister. We played dogs for awhile too, when i was a kid that was my favorite so i felt like i found my people lol.
Also his mom makes the best carrot cake and this one was especially good. Plus we got to bring it home
I took a shower and tried out my present from her (red light therapy lamp) with an arm test and it made the texture change so much. very epic. Watched an episode of Nichijou and cuddled with bf (tmi but also had really good seggs)
Overall a really good birthday, much better than last year. And I'm not feeling terrible about being an adult.
After that we went on the picnic. Berry season is over most everywhere, so the berry buckets became obselete. I used them as on the go picnic baskets though, and we walked to a point and talked while eating.
And after that we got high and just chilled out cause I was tired and didnt know what else to do. We were both super hungry early because the picnic was not very substantial. I checked my bank account because my parents said that they gave us some money to go out to eat and get something nice but they gave me a whole ass $500??
So we were both super happy and were gonna wait to go to one of the places with nice food in town. But they didnt open till 6 and it was 4 and we wanted to eat. So we were planning on going to a worse restraunt bc the food isnt that diffrent. But they might not have the one kind of pie i like there. Anyways my bf's mom saved us and we went over there for dinner.
It was pretty fun, just hanging out and watching the new pixar movie. I always like seeing his little sister. We played dogs for awhile too, when i was a kid that was my favorite so i felt like i found my people lol.
Also his mom makes the best carrot cake and this one was especially good. Plus we got to bring it home

I took a shower and tried out my present from her (red light therapy lamp) with an arm test and it made the texture change so much. very epic. Watched an episode of Nichijou and cuddled with bf (tmi but also had really good seggs)

Overall a really good birthday, much better than last year. And I'm not feeling terrible about being an adult.