1 day till birthday!
Date: 8/17/23
Tarot Card OTD: Knight of Swords, Page of Wands, Seven of Swords, reversed Page of Swords.
Listening To:
Return To Forever - No Mystery
Fugazi - 13 Songs
DOMi & JD Beck - NOT TiGHT
SALVALAI - Variety
Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai Suru, ep 6
Temple, ep 6
Zom 100, ep 5
Reborn as a Vending Machine, ep 4-7
Yotsuba! chapters 1-26



✔️ Make berry buckets
❌ Re-Learn Camera
✔️ Bf's laundry
One day till my birthday!
Today I am doing the planning and cooking to set up everything tomorrow. Thankfully it looks like good weather, no rain, little wind! I have a couple crafts to make too; and I hope to finish my bike. I also should call my mom today because I'll be somewhere with no cell service for the day.
[ 11:55am ]
Finished the berry buckets, and the thrift is gonna open in a few minutes. Bf just came home for his break and left again, he'll be back in 2 hours. I'm also gonna call my mom in a few and get a recipie from her for the picnic. And bf is gonna help with finishing the bike!
[ 1:16pm ]
Called mom and made the picnic food. I made tuna salad as the main course w either crackers or home-baked bread, spearmint tea, salted cucumbers, and strawberries. I still don't know how to pack it though rip.
Gonna fold laundry now.
[ 7:51pm ]
Whew i got super tired after that and hace just been watching anime -w-
Almost made a twitter account to talk about seasonals but stopped myself. thank god.
[ 10:06pm ]
More 4ch and not much else. I wanted to do some journaling and such tonight but i'm too tired... good night. ill wake up an adult.