Date: 8/16/23
Tarot Card OTD: Four of Cups + Six of Wands
Listening To:
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia, ep 9-13
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale s2, ep 6
Odekake Kozame, ep 1-3
Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu, ep 6



✔️ Make bread
Wow I woke up and somehow my face has changed a bunch. Just woke up to the 'adult' version of my face. Maybe more accurate to say the teenager / lass baby face. Pretty epic.

As far as for the website; I need to go through the images I added yesterday and finish up the first route. I don't want to do too much coding today (maybe work on the bike more) just so I have more time to do other things.
Bf is coming home at 12ish so thats when we will go. We also decided on doing a day trip to the beach for my birthday. The weather wasn't good enough for camping the whole weekend (my birthday is the only non rainy day), but one day should be fun. He picked the spot since I haven't explored the island much since I got here, but I hope there are trails and things to do.
[ 11:03am ]
Swept the floor in the kitchen & started on the bread (its rising now). Probably gonna get dressed and change the towels before continuing.
[ 11:24am ]
Aaand now I have done everything can for now. super tired rip. Think im gonna watch anime and lay in bed.

[ 12:39pm ]
Just finished Insomniacs After School. One of my top favorite SoL romances for sure. The writing is so soulfull and mature; the characters are memorable and the main lead's interactions and feelings twords eachother is paced so well. It's a masterpiece.
Also bread is in the oven. It's my first time making sandwich bread; I pulled from a few recipies and some of my experience to make it. One day I wanna get a bunch of recipie cards and write down all of my favorites.
[ 8:56pm ]
Bread turned out eh. I think I under-kneaded it and didn't punch out the air from the first rise good enough.
After that, I browsed 4ch and caught up on some seasonals.
Just got out of the bath, it was an everything bath and I feel a bit less gross now. I used to never shave and didnt like it, but since I figured out how to and started I feel like I'm not in control if I'm not hairless. My bf dosent even like clean shaven either it's just a me thing.
I also made a new D&D character for an upcoming campaign with some friends. Her name is Ptegras Nurrfit, a catfolk rouge wandering trader. I'm pretty exited to finally get to join a campaign! I always wanted to play D&D but never had the friends to get a party together. Exept once that nobody wanted to DM so it got canceled.
Once I play a few campaigns and get some experience under my belt, I would like to DM. My favorite part of it is lorebuilding & character writing. If I was DM, I would love to make a story fitted to all of the character's personalities and objectives.
Also all of my friends are making their characters using AI. Character creation is fun for me, so I dont get why you would give that up to some plagerized and by-the-books robot. I'm trying to just smile and nod as they get more into AI since everyone is having fun. But man, I wish that we all just used our imagination to have a good time.