i wanna curl up in bed or get dangerously high, one or the other
Date: 8/09/23
Mood: None
Listening To:
mosaic.wav - たすけて!おくすり先生
mosaic.wav - ギリギリアウト
mosaic.wav - KIKIKIKI~死期~
mosaic.wav - Re:connection
Vertigoaway - Agaki Home Radio
Hirogaru Sky! Precure, episode 18
My Pet Shop - Square Enix (DS)
Fantasy Aquarium - DS



❌ Work on bike
❌ Clean coffee maker
✔️ Clean altar
✔️ Wash hair
My boss messaged me about when to pay me and mentioned 'after today' and so I asked what was going on today. and she just forgot to let me know that I had to work today! especially fun after this turn had been in there for 3 weeks and the next guests were comming in at noon!
Thankfully they cleaned up after themselves and it wasnt that bad, but still makes me grrrrrrr.
After that it's been a normal morning, ate tost and watched precure. I really liked Ageha's transformation episode, and this season in general. Its cool to see an adult precure.
I want to go to the thrift sometime today but idk if i will have time or chicken out again. For refrence I have been meaning to go for MORE THAN A YEAR and then chicken out every time i have plans. I wanna volentier there too and i wanna find cute clothes and get exited for it but having to be in public scares the shit out of me.
At this point I should just give up ngl.
[ 9:47am ]
im cold and overstimulated but still have to do shit so im gonna get high and hopefully that will fix it!
[ 12:18pm ]
Still cold, but less aaaaa
Haven't really done anything but fold some clothes. Been watching youtube.
The new overwatch trailer is really making me question the way the story wants to go. Its been a long ass time since I caught up (probably 2017?), but why are we doing the omnics = evil thing again? Wasn't ow1's plot partially that omnics are whole ass people and that their 'evil deeds' that vilified them in the public eye was protesting to have rights? And there are multiple overwatch members who are omnics? Isn't it a bit weird to make them supervilans now? Also like we are supposed to empathise with the named omnics why is the gameplay of the PvE just mowin em down? At least if it was 1v1s arena or something like that it could be more personable.
Or its also just been really long since I caught up and this is justified? I feel like ow1 tried to make omnics a stand in for minorities and if the next part of the story is just making them terrorize the public for fun, it wouldn't work at all.
Anyways it't hard to figure what to do next. Bc I need to go to the post office today thats priority #1 but I have to wait for bf to want to go. And washing my hair is gonna be a bit later in the day. The other 3 are fairly unimportant. And so my mind is like yep thats a free pass to dick arround even tho we dont enjoy it!
[ 4:36pm ]
Played some Sims & watched some more youtube. Just got back from the post office (yay). Was hoping we could get food after but alas. Got some bong cleaner, a bike basket, bread flour, and another hit in the middle of typing this lol.
[ 7:20 pm ]
So I found a rom for My Pet Shop and I just started out~
I love love virtual pet games, animals were my kid special intrest so i gobbled up every virtual animal game or slightly animal ajacent thing on the ds. I wanna make a shrine to virtual pets and some of mine at some point, or maybe pages for all my favorites.
But here's my first lil guy, name is Aunn after Aunn Komano from Touhou. I was trying to think of a cheeky name for a dog and its better than nothing.
look at this lil guy
[ 8:27pm ]
Just took my shower, feels nice. I wanna play more pet sim but bf is between deciding to sleep or watch one piece so i feel like as soon as i start im gonna get cucked out of it.
Or maybe ill clean the altar since i didnt do that and the moon is out??
[ 9:05pm ]
Just finished cleaning and setting up my altar for the 3rd quarter moon. I want to it clean & set intentions every major moon event (such as first moon, full, new, quarters, halves, ect).
I used to really like occult magick & witchcraft, but stopped after I got to a certain point in my studies where I felt like everything I was using magic for was petty and worldly, while i didnt have the resources for greater magick (and still dont).
But now as an adult i'm fucking struggling out here i'll take whatever I can get to help. Like yes I do really need a "frivolous" spell to help with day-to-day things because I am not doing it well enough on my own lol.
Back then tho I had all the resources and was in all the discord servers. But now I deleted all my bookmarks and shit and i'm back to square 1 with a very faint whiff of what I am looking for. If anyone has resources pls send. Idk where to search for even just the basic things you would find on tumblr blogs back in the day.
[ 10:44pm ]
ughhh i wanna go to sleep but he dosent have work till late so he wants to stay up so i have to stay up .-.
Started up Fantasy Aquarium DS tho, relaxing as fuck game. Basically just put some fish in a tank, hope they dont eat eachother, and then look at their stats and tweak their surroundings until they are happy. It will be a fun one for sure to keep in the background or as graphics on a bigger monitor setup.
Also the gameplay loop of My Pet Shop is very addictive and fun. 10/10.
I also downloaded a ROM of Bunnyz but my bf was gonna get the hardcopy for me so im not gonna play it till my birthday and then see if i needed to or not. Bc ngl i feel like he won't even though he keeps asking me what i want for birthday when i really want to find out how thoughtful he is and what he remembers about me.
going goodnight now maybe? yay