Productive day? Hopefully?
Date: 8/02/23
Listening To:
Pilsner - Refill
Cafe de Touhou 1-8



✔️ Clean windows
❌ Clean air fryer
✔️ Fold bf clothes old batch
❌ Bf clothes new batch ✔️ wash / ✔️ dry / ❌ fold
Yknow how sometimes you stay in bed for too long cuddling and it gives you a burst of energy bc you cant take just sitting there anymore?
Well I took advantage of that this morning and did a bunch of cleaning n stuff, including the windows that I have been avoiding ever since we moved. I'm gonna go to work in a few hours so now it's decompress time

If I go to work first I get overwhelmed and spend the rest of the day a husk. But if I do everything else first then go to work I will still be a husk at the end but at least everything will be done.
[ 12:52pm ]
Writing this from my phone before starting work.
Bf and I cuddled a bit before & he dropped me off so I'm pretty calm, but also its cold and I want to go home asap.
I'll listen to denpa while working to cheer / brainwash myself up!
[ 2:08 ]
Aaaaaa this is hell!!!!
So first up the last guests were here for a week and did not clean up after themselves at all. And had lots of dishes left for me to do, used all the bedding and towels (wich means 3 loads of laundry to do), and the fridge + oven is grimy as fuck.
On the plus side, that means that I will get paid more. But also I am at my limit and wish this would have been an easy turn.
Oh and I used the auto clean on the oven but it takes 3 hours. And the fire alarms go off every 20 minutes thinking it's a fire. My ears are still ringing. At first I thought it was a hallucination for a good 20 minutes (since fire alarms are pretty common for me to have auditory hallucinations of). Still better than scrubbing that fucker by hand.
Also my boss bought new bedding and so I have to put that on and fold all the old bedding on top of that. Laundry just stopped so ill go do that.
[ 2:46pm ]
Just looked it up and the next guests won't be here until a week. So I have plenty of time and can leave early, thankfully. Still have an hour or two left of stuff to do but I am physically and mentally exhausted. In case it gets cleared somehow, worked for 1hour 30min.
[ 8:45pm ]
A Masterpiece: nicovideo - レミリアで食パン
I got way too high again .-.
As soon as i got home from work I spaced out and watched the entirety of season 19 of soulth park. at my old job room & bording was included w the job and so i stayed w the employees of the company. For the TV upstairs to work, the one in our house had to be on at all times, and my roomate watched a lot of comedy central. When I would be burnt out af after work Soulth Park was always on and I would spend the rest of the night watching until it was time to sleep. and then wake up, work, soulth park, sleep.
It has a very special place in my heart as the easiest timesink with the most minimal effort. I downloaded a torrent w seasons 1-21 after that job and when im really worn down soulth park always has my back.
I do really like the pacing of watching each episode in order much better tho. I didn't notice much about the plot when watching reruns on cable.
My other favorite timesink when I am too tired to make any effort is imagebords & forums. Though mostly its just 4chan now. I mostly lurk; and then i will gather the courage to reply, that leads to replying to everything for 3-4 days every month until I regret a post. its a never ending cycle and the persona i take on varries greatly every time. i feel bad for any mods that can see my post history.
Anonymous spaces are my favorites. I don't have to be any paticular way, since my existance will only ever be seen as a couple posts from the same anon. Especially since I stay in fan communities, so i can roleplay or make a post that i feel like will be understood by someone instead of a real person/friend that wouldn't be a fan.
Its one of the only ways I really feel like I am being muyself, if that makes sense.
getting too deep lol
i just ment to say that looking at posts is low effort and mildly entertaining.
as of writing this on August 4th, my burnout has been terrible. miracle that im feeling mildly ok enough to update. Idk when it will be updated again or when i will be back.